Tuesday, October 1, 2013

October = Awareness, Day One!

In case you didn't know, October is the 'awareness' month for a LOT of causes, and most well-known is probably breast cancer. This month, you can find just about anything in pink, and so much has been done for breast cancer research and support because of that little pink ribbon. In my world, though, there are a couple of causes that are more near and dear to my own heart and life that also claim October as their awareness month. My goal is to share some facts or stories every day in October about these and see if I can teach you (and myself!) something new!

First, October is domestic violence awareness month. I am a survivor of domestic abuse many times over, and I was blessed to get to help others make the transition from victim to survivor when I worked for a domestic violence shelter. This month, I will share statistics and facts, maybe a personal story or two, and ways you can make a difference. Domestic violence is a very real problem in America and around the world, with very real and damaging effects on victims, families, communities, and even the economy.

Second, October is ADHD Awareness month. This is an issue that is very, very real and present for me every day, because the 13-yr-old beauty I homeschool, love, and raise is severely affected. I have learned SO much about being a good parent, an intentional parent, a creative parent, a guilt-ridden parent, an embarrassed parent, a frustrated parent, and more because I am her mom. ADHD is a real condition, with real affects on the brain, and the lives of my brilliant but misunderstood daughter and of our entire family are different, better, because of this disorder. I can't wait to see how this month unfolds and what God puts on my heart to share!!
Father, bless this month and the project I'm beginning. Give me the right quotes and studies, the right statistics, the right words of encouragement for those who read this blog. Bring me a greater understanding of both domestic violence and ADHD, and allow me to share that understanding with others so that I can shine your light of love, hope, and restoration over these issues. Thank you for leading me through these situations so that I can be your hands and feet to others who haven't yet found peace and safety. Thank you for blessing me with KayLynn and opening my eyes to the challenges and wonders that come from her mind. Thank you for trusting me to guide her and develop her, to help her grow and learn, and to shepherd her through the battles of her disease. We love you!

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