Thursday, January 26, 2012

It took me 13 years to learn this...

My KayLynn!! How time has flown by since you made your grand entrance 13 years ago!  As I sat at my computer writing my happy birthday message to you on Facebook this morning, I had a revelation that was WAY too long for that status update, so I decided to give you a birthday blog post to share it with you. :-)

I know we tell you a lot that you are slow, and I know your natural tendency is to be late all the time.  Did you know that's how you've been all your life?  You were born over a week late (and I was very frustrated that you were taking so long).  You walked late, talked late, gave up your bottle's just a part of who you are, and in spite of all the 'late' milestones, you are so smart, beautiful, and perfectly healthy.

So maybe being 'late' or 'slow' doesn't really matter as much as I thought it did.  Sure, when you take forever to finish your chores, or your homework, or whatever, I get frustrated - but I also get frustrated with God when He takes forever to answer my prayers, or is 'late' with a blessing, or seems to be ignoring me altogether. And if his timing is perfect.........that means mine isn't.  BOOM!! God made you different for a reason.  God made you exactly the way he wants you to be, and I believe he made you 'late' to help me to be patient and wait on Him, even when I think He's not moving fast enough.  I'm so glad he chose to give you to me!

My girl, you are amazing.  Being your mom has been such a blessing, and I pray that I can honor you, just the way God made you, while teaching you how to use your own special talents for His glory.  I pray that I can help you become the woman God wants you to be.  I know He has great plans for you, and I can't wait to find out what He does as you continue to grow.

Happy birthday, KayLynn Marie!!!

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